This is a good news-bad news post! Anywhere that there’s moisture, dampness, water and air, there’s bound to be rust and corrosion. That’s bad news for vehicle owners. The oxidization process is impartial, and won’t spare even the most expensive of cars, SUVs or trucks – not even the most well-maintained of them. And when you fight rusting on your automobiles with traditional paints, due to the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) they contain, you risk causing harm to the environment.
But there’s also good news here. Read on to learn how you can fight back and save your automobiles and the planet with low VOC paints for automotive.
VOC – The unseen villain of environmental decay
All types of solvent-based paints, rust coatings and corrosion prevention aerosols contain certain levels of VOCs. They form as a result of materials, such as lead, zinc, chromates and heavy metals used in manufacturing these products.
VOC gasses contain tiny particles that, when released into the environment, cause long-term impact to the earth’s ozone layer. And when the ozone depletes, bad things can happen, including:
- Smog
- Air pollution
- Acid rain
- Deforestation
- Floods, hurricanes and forest fires
- Loss of natural habitat and species
- Breathing and respiratory illness in humans and animals
- …and a lot more!
Now imagine millions of cars, trucks and automobiles (not to mention other assets, such as factory equipment, buildings, homes, ships etc.) a year painted with high-VOC paints and aerosols. The massive volume of VOC that escapes into our atmosphere brings severe catastrophe to our environment. Switching to low VOC paints for automotive can prevent – and even reverse! – that damage.
Be the solution…not the problem
As an owner of a small fleet of trucks or vans, you’re probably thinking: What can you do to fight the environmental challenges we face today? Well, here’s the good news: You can do a lot, actually! It’s easy to be part of the solution to this environmental problem. The simple choices that you, as an individual or an organization, make can have long-lasting impacts on the environment.
By switching to a more environmentally-friendly rust and corrosion protection paint, individual automobile owners can do their share in protecting the planet from further ozone destruction. And when millions of vehicle owners (the US Dept of Transportation indicates there were 273 million-plus registered vehicles…and growing) join the effort, this battle is winnable.
The next question might be: What low VOC paints for automotive can you switch to? Thankfully, there’s Rust Bullet Automotive, which contains no lead, no zinc, no chromates, and no heavy metal. The formula used in these products contain just 97 grams of VOC per liter – which makes them just shy of earning the “Ultra-Low VOC” designation. The Rust Bullet line of products also comply with the EPA Standards for Potable Water as well as the California VOC Standards for a metallic pigmented coating.
By simply choosing a Low VOC alternate to your rust and corrosion protection paints and coatings, you bring long-lasting protection against automobile degradation. And with that, you’ll also deliver long-lasting environmental protection.