Yes, Rust Bullet Decorative Flakes make a great addition to any concrete project to enhance aesthetics. Apply Decorative Flakes when the last coat of Rust Bullet is wet. Spread the flakes on a wet coat, working in sections. Once the flakes have been spread, follow the standard recoat time of two to six hours and seal the flakes with Rust Bullet DuraGrade Clear.

If doing a light to medium broadcast of flakes, one (1) coat of DuraGrade Clear will suffice to seal the flakes. If doing a heavy to full broadcast, we recommend applying two (2) coats of DuraGrade Clear to properly seal the flakes. If a slip resistant surface is desired, Tread-Tex non-skid additive should be added to the final coat of DuraGrade Clear.

TIP: Flakes are best distributed by two people – one person rolling the coating while the other person distributes the flakes. If working alone, make sure you work in sections and apply the flake while your coating is still wet.