Ford Maverick Undercarriage & Trunk


Project Information:

Project Name: Ford Maverick Undercarriage & Trunk

Contractor and Applicator: J. Pollard

Application: HVLP

  14 Hours

  Bethany, Missouri, USA

  Rust Bullet Automotive

Project Description:

This is what I have been working on all weekend (and most other weekends!). I have been eliminating rust from the Mav and getting the undercarriage and trunk ready for rhino-lining. I hope to have this done this week…..we will see. I still have lots to go and I ran out of Rust-bullet. So far I really like this stuff. Anyway, what do you think? What you see took about 14 hours this weekend. Sandblasting and coating… I will be glad when this part is over! Didn’t get a chance to work on the engine at all, I will try to do that this week. It is finally all coming together thanks to everyone on this board for keeping me excited about it. It really does help.
Dang…I love Rust Bullet! I finished pressure washing and sandblasting the rest of my undercarriage then I coated it with Rust Bullet. I wish I could leave it like this but I am still going to line over it. Maybe I won’t drive this car when I am done!!
